Beauty, Health and Wellness Tips | For the Love of Your Hands

“Beauty, Health and Wellness Tips | For the Love of Your Hands” gives you guidelines in taking care of your hands. And a manicure is only a part of the process. We were born with soft, tender hands. However, throughout the years they tend to be a far cry from what they once were. And, … Read more

Beauty, Health and Wellness Tips | Stand Up for Your Feet!

“Beauty, Health and Wellness Tips | Stand Up for Your Feet!” is the beginning of a series geared mainly towards women. We have to take time to pamper ourselves. Our many roles as mother, wife, homemaker, and career woman can keep us extremely busy. As a result, we tend to forget to spend enough time … Read more

Avon Reviews … Changes | 135 Years Still Going Strong!

“Avon Reviews … Changes | 135 Years Still Going Strong!” reviews the history of Avon, some changes, what’s classic, and what’s new. When it comes to representatives and customers … some like the changes, some not so much. However,  what matters is that Avon must be doing something right to be around for such a … Read more