Fear possesses the uncanny ability to immobilize us, primarily due to the anticipation of negative events that, in all likelihood, will never come to pass. These fears can persist throughout our lives, casting a shadow over our dreams.
Moreover, the thought of this is genuinely unsettling!”
One night, a few years back, an unconventional idea about FEAR struck me while I lay in bed, simply trying to catch some sleep. Immediately, I named it “Future Epidemic Analysis Radar” (FEAR).
Ultimately, I realized it made sense.
Face the FUTURE Fearlessly.
Many artists in the limelight, public speakers, and influential entrepreneurs admit that they are faced with fear regularly. For some, it’s every time they need to face an audience.
Recently, I was on a conference call with a very influential game changer. He shared an occasion where he was very nervous before going on stage.
Imagine, this is someone who is no stranger to public speaking. He plays an admirable role in influencing others to better express their true selves.
Once again, he captivated the huge audience with his message and authenticity!
So, if you have been hampered from doing something you know within your heart you were placed on this earth to do … take action. Face the fear and do it anyway.
What EPIDEMIC are You Facing Right Now?
An epidemic is widespread .. it affects people everywhere. And, we’ve all had moments in our lives where we simply wanted to run away because of emotional or other painful situations.
The truth is, although the memories may still be painful, we survived … over and over again.
Some things we face that cause anxiety are:
- Loss of or separation from a loved one.
- Uncertainty about getting a role or job.
- Feeling inferior to others.
Whatever you are facing right now, decide to go through it and come out stronger. More than likely, you will come out. Seek help. And, don’t be afraid to ask. Others have been there before you.
Certainly, we know there are life-threatening circumstances we or others close to us face. Whatever the outcome, there’s usually some kind of closure to take us through those difficult times.
Pain is real, but there are real solutions that we can rely on to turn things around.
Free Yourself from ANALYSIS Paralysis.
Got fear? There’s a solution for that … maybe an app. There’s an app for everything. So, my proposal to you is to get into the anti-Analysis Paralysis Program …
… there’s your APP!
Furthermore, you see things more humongous than they are when you are paralyzed by fear. For example, a “molehill” is a mountain. You think you’re going to get stampeded if you stand in front of a crowd.
But, is that what will happen? Daily visualizations can help you get past your fears to experience your full potential. See it, hear it, smell it, taste it, feel it … grab it with both hands. In other words, embrace it!
Picture this, the applause is real. They’re eager to hear every word you have to say. The marketing campaign was successful. And, as the minute counts down to seconds, you only have a few more steps …
… from behind the curtain. It opens!
The crowd goes wild. This is the moment they all have been looking forward to. More importantly, this is the moment YOU have been preparing for all your life, literally!
“Becoming You … Letting Go to Receive” is your topic. As soon as the crowd settles down, you search the room making eye contact with everyone, one by one.
They feel your energy. You’re confident, poised, and ready to make leaders out of this diverse group of game changers. You delivered, receiving a standing ovation at the end.
Yep, that’s you. It’s no longer a dream.
What’s on Your RADAR for the Future? | Face Fear!
Do you get the picture? You have to see it first for yourself. Furthermore, it’s YOUR vision. And, you may have been carrying it for a long time. So, now is the time to deliver.
In other words, deliver that thing that you have nurtured within you. It’s full term. Moreover, someone is depending on you to make a difference. One changed life can change many more lives.
You can be one change that will influence millions positively. How will that happen? By being hungry enough, desperate enough.
Action goes beyond being ambitious. Ambition is a great thing to have, but it will take much more to get you to fearlessly taking your future into your hands.
If you can see what you want to accomplish, it can be done. Others have proved it and will continue to do so. Create that picture and keep it before you every day.
Be determined to fight for what is rightfully yours … a place in life to contribute to the wellbeing of others. Don’t leave this life without giving everything you have inside of you.
So, what’s on your radar?
It Ends Here! | Conquer Fear with Courage.
Fear can cause you to spend your entire life missing out on your purpose. You may have already taken steps to prepare yourself to launch that business, write that book, and deliver that speech.
You procrastinate because of frightening thoughts in your head. They may seem real, but they’re not. It’s like having a dream, good or bad, that seemed so real until …
… you wake up and it’s not real, not even close!
But, you can turn your dream into reality by visualizing how you want your life to be and taking action to make it happen. Remember, there’s an APP for that.
Therefore, create your own anti-Analysis Paralysis Program and free yourself. Also, find out how others have made it past that stage. You will have to face your fears and do it, whatever it is, anyway.
Letting go to receive, in this case, means letting go of the fear and receiving the best life you could ever have. You were born to change the world. Take action NOW and paralyze your fear.
Please share your answers to these questions below:
- Have you ever experienced “analysis paralysis” due to fear? And, how did you overcome it?
- Also, what fears are currently on your “Future Epidemic Analysis Radar.” And, how do you plan to address them?
- How do you maintain motivation and focus on your goals when fear tries to hold you back?
- Finally. in what ways has visualizing your success helped you in overcoming your fears?
I hope this article, “FEAR is Future Epidemic Analysis Radar” has helped you in some way. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. I will be more than happy to serve you.
Business Owner | The Way 4Word Enterprises