“Not only will I mend the broken pieces, I will put you in new places.” – Sunday, February 23, 2020, 3:40 pm. I get a lot of inspiration while minding my own business, which I do very well. Confessions of My Life is an example.
I shared the first part of this story recently on another platform. Now, I feel compelled to take it to another level and to open up a little bit more.
What’s the point in having a microphone, a stage, and a voice and shut the world out?

Confession of My Brokenness
I am broken and heavy in heart, yet He comforts me. He says, “Be anxious for nothing.” I will not be anxious about the road ahead and the inability to meet my basic needs.
He has promised to take me to a land flowing with milk and honey. This is where those who trust in themselves and feel secured in their idols and riches now live.
I received this word in July 2015 but didn’t know how it would unfold.
My brokenness will be mended. The broken pieces will be mended with milk and honey in a place filled with abundance but utter darkness except for His light.
It’s a place of spiritual destitution except for His grace and mercy.
My heart is broken while aching for the pain of humanity. And for my patients suffering because they do not know what they don’t know.
Their pangs of pain play on my heartstrings songs of melancholy. Also of suffering and intense pain. They long for days that ceased to be and are now shadows of what used to be a memory.
There’s only the numbness caused by administered side effects one after another. They are drifting slowly looking for those who have long ceased to cast a shadow.
They’re calling out for those who are but shadows of what they used to be. The same one who is your baby or is it your grown daughter, your son or maybe your husband?
In this brokenness scattered with unmistakable blessings I asked, “I am your child, why am I living like a pauper?”
I look around me. A pauper doesn’t have evidence of a fulfilling life. It’s one filled with a legacy of arts, crafts, skills, and talents for the now and the next generation. Or does he, does she?
Counting My Blessings
In my brokenness there’s determination to break through for myself but not only for myself. I will continue to use my words–my instrument!
I’ve been blessed to see what makes the one percent tick from the inside. I’m determined that those who are under the table like dogs panting for the crumbs that fall from the table will also feed from the source.
The SOURCE will not see the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. I’m determined that there’s a better place. It’s a place for me to rise and thrive beyond mere existence.
You can get so far and no farther while driving on fumes. The road is hustling and bustling with activities in all directions.
The full tankers whoosh pass in high energies of Zeus, Fun, and Aspiration certain of their destination. “Come along,” they say. “On my way,” I replied. But the fumes!
There’s no ignorance of my dilemma. God help ‘some’ of those who help themselves while they help each other.
Where is God? Why am I here? I continue to acknowledge God’s presence while life goes on. I’m convinced that He cares. If He would only give me strength, I would be a perfect being.
My prayer is I’m panting to possess your love. Lord, you did it again and Lord, you are my heartbeat. I’m seeking after your righteousness. I know God can and will ameliorate this heavy burden. He is my God: All in One!
That’s the confession of my heart and my life shared from my heart to yours.
More Confessions of My Life
This is a true story, my story. It’s one that I do not tell often because it’s not easy to be vulnerable. People tend to be judgmental and no one wants to be judged.
Recently, I’ve been hearing the words, “broke servant” and identify very well. I believe I’m here to serve and do that wholeheartedly. However, there’s something missing.
Is it natural for a servant to be constantly living from hand to mouth or below one’s potential to thrive? It’s not necessarily so.
Easter is approaching and it’s the time when we reflect on the ultimate plan of salvation being fulfilled on earth.
Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth for the purpose of redemption. This was necessary due to the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden.
Freewill was put to the test and mankind flunked big time. The truth is, there’s no uncertainty about whether we’re able to make choices even to our own detriment. That’s fair and clear but there’s a price to pay.
There’s a price to be paid against the law of gravity and everything that goes against nature. It’s based on natural and spiritual laws. We choose to obey or disobey. There’s life and death before us. Choose life and live!
The price has been paid by pure innocent blood. Again, we have a choice to accept this freedom or reject it.
Confessions of the Cross of Easter
Many years ago I had this revelation of a cross with a bleeding heart. It flowed red turning white before it reached the ground. People were kneeling and praying in this stream in repentance and received redemption.
I started putting together a table of contents for a book of poems. Subsequently, it turned into a poem entitled Confession of My Life.
I produced a poster instead of the book. Over 20 years later I published a three-part book entitled, “Confessions of My Life.” The book is Confessions with an ‘s’ and the poem is singular, Confession.
Freedom belongs to kings as well as servants. So, let’s get back to the story mentioned above about a servant’s heart.
As I reflect on Easter, the message is going out every year through sermons, stories, drama, movies, and books. After 27 years of having this vision, 2020 is the time to share Confessions of My Life with the world.
The book is not based on the story of Easter. However, we cannot ignore the message in the illustration.
Here’s my request…
There’s so much more about the story of Easter in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
The story of the Redeemer’s birth, death and resurrection is the thread running through the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
There’s also much more to my personal story. It’s a life of ups and downs hardly any different from so many other people throughout the world.
Here’s an opportunity to share my journey as a writer. This is my voice, my passion, my story. It’s Confessions of My Life.
I hope this story has inspired you in some way. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. I will be more than happy to serve you.
Amazing!!! For the little I have read…deep calls to deep!!
Hi Ajay:
Thank you so much for taking the time to start reading my blog post, and for sharing your insight. I truly appreciate you.
Blessings on your household and the work you do. You make a difference!
Hey sis,
love it, it’s so inspiring and so deep yet a soft and gentle as a sister’s heart.
Remember I love you…
Thank you, Sister Barbara, for taking the to read and for your kind comment. You are forever dear to my heart. I love and appreciate you.