Crossroads-Making Decisions: A 4-Way Road, 4 Ways to Choose.

A Crossroads

Crossroads-making decisions: A 4-way road, 4 ways to choose. Which way will you go? There are four ways to get to a crossroads, and there are four choices to be made.

It’s New Years Day and you’re faced with decisions, decisions, decisions … and even more decisions. Are you making New Year’s resolutions, setting goals, or trying to decide what to do with your life?

Life can sometimes be a drag and we feel we need to pick up the pace or change direction. The only thing is it’s not always easy to figure out what to do.

The path leading there may have been smooth sailing or rough and rugged. Either way, the road before you now is split requiring you to make what could be a life-changing decision.

Crossroads: 4 Ways to Choose.

There are four ways to get to a crossroads, and there are four choices to be made. Don’t allow fear stop you from making the right decision.

FEAR is— Future Epidemic-Analysis Radar (Veron Lee Campbell, 2015) …

… the threat of an uncertain, unexpected, unpleasant outcome based on an unreliable study of the circumstances of your life, by a system that has no legal or spiritual authority to bind you to its unreliable conclusions!

The four ways to get to a crossroads are…

  • By choice: “I did it my way!”
  • Unexpectedly: OMG! How did this happen?
  • By force: Life’s circumstances are unpredictable.
  • By way of a helping hand: Good fortune or favor … perhaps.


Making a Decision: By Your Own Choice.

You’re on your way to your destination minding your own business, admiring the beautiful surroundings. You come to a crossroads knowing there has to be more than your daily grind.

You decide to explore the other avenues… one by one weighing your options taking the time to do a thorough research before making your choice.

While you are contemplating, ask yourself these four questions:

What are my God-given dreams and purpose in life?

Everyone has a mission in life. Some find out what that is at an early age. Others seem to have it handed down to them, while some have no clue.

Whichever category you find yourself in, doubts can creep in and questions will sometimes come up. “Is this the right path for me or should I be doing something else?”

What are your dreams? What is the single most thing you desire to do with your life? It’s usually buried deep down inside of you. No matter what, you can’t get away from it.

That, more than likely, is your God-given dream … your purpose in life.

Am I living someone else’s dream while mine dies?

A few years ago, I made a decision to honor someone’s request to play a part in their lives. It meant putting business plans I had invested in and working on at the time on hold.

Shortly before I made the move, I read an article which alerted me about doing the exact thing I was about to do. My gut told me not to go forward.

It was not in my best interest …

… but I had said, “Yes” and wanted to honor my word.

The outcome was disappointing, to say the very least! It’s amazing when you choose to forgive even myself, move on, and live life without regrets.

Don’t be surprised when great insight and opportunities come out of grave situations after the fact. It may take a while to materialize, usually unexpectedly.

What action do I need to take to know which is the right road?

Decisions can be hard to make regardless of how many options you have to choose from. It can be even harder with several choices laid out in front of you.

It goes back to your purpose and life mission. You are here to make a difference, and that answer may come through soul searching.

You may be lead to individuals and resources that will be helpful in finding that path. A strong desire to succeed, determination, and taking action should yield results.

Where can I find help?

Information, useful as well as misleading, is everywhere. It may take some digging to find the nugget you’re looking for or stepping stones leading to it.

You may need to use the services of a professional coach depending on your ability to do major research if that is outside of your budget.

Professional coaches will tell you that even they have coaches to guide and hold them accountable.


Brainstorming sessions are a good way to come up with ideas. This can be done as an individual project or with a trusted partner who support your mission.

Make a list of everything that makes sense to you. A mind mapping system is extremely useful for brainstorming sessions. If you’re unfamiliar with that method, a Google search will help.


Unexpectedly: A Strange Encounter!

You’re on your way to your destination, somewhat preoccupied. Suddenly, you realize nothing seems familiar. You have drifted onto the wrong road upon your arrival at the crossroads.

A popular classic fairy tale is Rumpelstiltskin, the story of a miller who told the king that his daughter could spin straw into gold. The king beckoned her to the palace to carry out this task.

This poor girl was tossed into an unexpected situation. She could have decided to tell the king her father had lied in order to get out of her dilemma.

For the sake of the story, that’s not how it turned out and she was saved in the end. When you are faced unexpectedly with a strange encounter, that’s another opportunity for a crossroads-making decision.

Circumstances may seem impossible to overcome, but perseverance and believing in yourself will take you beyond what is seemingly impossible.

An Unexpected Encounter!

Thrown into a Crossroads: By Force.

You’re on your way to your destination minding your own business … unaware of imminent danger. Next thing you know, you are at a crossroads. You have no idea where to go from there.

This could be a sink-or-swim situation. There is an unsafe method of teaching non swimmers to swim or playing pranks on others … pushing them off a pier or jetty.

Picture this …

It’s June 2020. The highlight of humanity’s journalism is the COVID-19 virus pandemic which has lingered to ring in the New Year. It’s the Grinch that stole 2020 for so many.

You’re at the height of your career, confident of a bright future ahead. Suddenly, there’s a lock down and “Poof!” goes your well-planned out life.

What’s next? Innovating your way to the right road to take is your next move. What does that look like? Go back to the drawing board to look at your options.


By Way of a Helping Hand … Favor!

Your story may be somewhat different. You already know your destination, or so you think. It’s leading you to a place of gloom where you’re barely able to survive.

Things have always been this way in your family from as far back as anyone can remember. You think it will never change. After all, you are only plain Jane or barely-able-to-read Tom.

You have no hope of moving forward to a better way of life. Don’t believe that lie; there is hope! In this case, you see a hand extended to help you make a decision at the crossroads.

Opportunity knocks! Favor is on your side helping you to make it to a more lucrative outcome. This may be the most unlikely thing to happen to you based on your family’s track record.

Help of this kind comes in different forms depending on your particular needs or desires.

We personally know or have heard of people who seem to fall into luck and made it to the top of the ladder of success. Help came when they needed it most.


At a Crossroads: The Final Decision!

The road may be smooth or long, rugged and rough, but you are standing at a crossroads about to make the decision of your life. The question is, “Which one will it be?”

There will always be decisions to be made along life’s journey. Right now you are faced with four so you have a lot of soul searching and external research to do.

You can get there determine to conclude, “I did it my way!” When you’re caught off guard you may frightfully exclaim, “OMG! How did this happen?”

Life’s circumstances are unpredictable and you may be taken there by force. That’s a tough reality especially when your life is shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sometimes good fortune is in your favor and you get to your destination by way of a helping hand.

The lesson in all this is to remember the final decision is yours in that when circumstances come at you forcefully, even in a do-or-die situation, you get to choose.

How will you choose to follow your dream? Which path will you take as you face your crossroads-making decision? An analogy is to ASK

  1. Ask and you will receive.
  2. Seek and you will find.
  3. Knock and the door (of opportunities) will be open to you.

I hope this article, “Crossroads-making Decisions: A 4-Way Road, 4 Ways to Choose,” has been helpful to you in some way.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. I will be more than happy to serve you.


2 thoughts on “Crossroads-Making Decisions: A 4-Way Road, 4 Ways to Choose.”

  1. Hi Veron,
    I stumbled upon your site and love the content so far. I’m a part-time entrepreneur trying to take my business to the next level.
    I read your review on Unblinded: From Hello to Yes. My business partner and I are considering paying for this coaching program. In your opinion is it really worth $30,000? Or is it the same information I can find in sales process books in the library?

    • Hi Damon:

      Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me after coming across my website and post.

      Our search usually leads us in directions where we have more questions needing answers.  It’s not always easy to know if we’re getting value for our money.

      Here’s what I’ve experienced with Unblinded:

      My journey started in October 2019 when one of the founding members contacted me to watch a video.

      He introduced Sean Callagy and they shared the Unblinded Mastery Program they were about to launch. It was straightforward and caught my attention as something I was ready to pursue.

      The launch took place in New Jersey, January 10-12, 2020. I attended what was a life-changing experience for me and many others.

      Sean Callagy is the embodiment of the formula, program, and community he has developed. His team are just as committed to ensure the integrity and success of the movement.

      If you haven’t done so already, I encourage you to explore the site my post links to. Take the first step and hear more from them. I believe you will make the right decision.

      Feel free to let me know whatever decision you make.

      All the best in your current and future endeavors. Continue to be a gamechanger. The world will be a better place when we merge ecosystems with integrity and love for what we contribute to others.


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