Beauty, Health and Wellness | Do You Listen to Your Body?

“Beauty, Health and Wellness | Do You Listen to Your Body?” It’s very important to recognize that your body speaks. And when it does, you should listen and act. Let’s take a look at the significance of paying attention to our body’s message. Also, what are some common illnesses it warns us about? And, strategies … Read more

Beauty, Health and Wellness | Vitiligo an Autoimmune Disorder

This article, “Beauty, Health and Wellness | Vitiligo an Autoimmune Disorder” presents an understanding of this depigmented skin condition. What is its impact? We will explore the causes, symptoms, treatment, and impact on individuals and society. Hopefully, you will find answers to many of the frequently asked questions. It is also important to raise awareness … Read more

Beauty, Health and Wellness | Vitiligo Autoimmune FAQs

“Beauty, Health and Wellness | Vitiligo Autoimmune FAQs” provides answers to 20 top questions people are asking. It is important to have a proper understanding. Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin disorder presenting as loss of pigmentation. Hence, this irregularity occurs when the body mistakenly attacks and destroys its own cells. These cells, melanocytes, produce the … Read more